Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Scientists discover new genetic form of obesity and diabetes

A new genetic form of obesity and type 2 diabetes has been discovered by researchers at Imperial College London in the UK. About Prevacid (Lansoprazole) The researchers publish their findings in the journal PLOS ONE. The study authors argue that genetic tests should be made widely available for people who are obese, so that doctors can offer genetic advice to family members. Scientists are aware of over 30 adverse mutations among genes involved in regulating body weight that are associated with obesity, as well as several gene alterations that are known to cause type 2 diabetes. About Fosamax (Alendronate) with free Rx Individuals with these genetic changes will inherit these conditions through their families. "There are now an increasing number of single-gene causes of obesity and diabetes known," says Prof. Lotrel (Benazepril / Amlodipine) with free prescription Alex Blakemore, from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London and leader of the new study. About Betoptic without prescription Prof. Buy Lopressor (Metoprolol) Blakemore says that scientists do not know how many more of these genetic causes of obesity or diabetes remain to be discovered, or what proportion of severely obese people have them. "These are serious disorders that affect the body s ability to regulate hunger and fullness signals," Prof. Buy Face and Body Soap online Blakemore continues. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com "They are inherited in just the same way as other genetic diseases and the sufferers should not be stigmatized for their condition. They should be offered genetic counseling and specialized lifelong support to allow them as healthy a life as possible." In the new study, Prof. Blakemore and colleagues sequenced the genome of a young woman described as "extremely obese" and her family members. The woman had severe weight problems from childhood as a result of increased appetite, as well as type 2 diabetes, learning difficulties and problems with her reproductive system. Analyzing the DNA sequencing, the team found that the woman had inherited two copies of a genetic mutation that prevented her body from making the protein carboxypeptidase-E (CPE). Several hormones and brain transmitters responsible for regulating appetite, insulin and hormones important in the reproductive system need CPE to function properly. Although studies in mice have found an association between CPE deficiency and obesity, diabetes and memory problems, this condition had not previously been found in humans. CPE deficiency only occurs when both parents have genetic alteration CPE deficiency is a recessive condition, which means that both parents would need to have the altered genetic sequence for their offspring to be affected. The parents of the woman in the study were cousins, which the researchers say gave the patient a higher likelihood of inheriting the same genetic change from both of her parents. An older brother of the patient had similar symptoms and died at the age of 21. First author of the study Dr. Suzanne Alsters says: "Finding a genetic cause for the patient s problems has helped her and her family to understand and manage her condition better. We can also look at members of her family with one abnormal copy of the gene, to see [if] they are affected in more subtle ways that could increase their risk of obesity." Prof. Blakemore argues that genetic tests should be made widely available for people who are severely obese, so that doctors can offer genetic advice to family members. "Diagnosis is very valuable to the patient," Prof. Blakemore concludes. "It helps to set realistic expectations, and can help them get the best possible treatment." Written by David McNamee

Sunday, June 28, 2015

High-fiber diet during pregnancy may protect offspring against asthma

. http://mdreview.wordpress.com omen who consume a high-fiber diet during pregnancy may reduce the risk of their offspring developing asthma, according to the results of a new study published in Nature Communications. Researchers say a high-fiber diet during pregnancy may prevent offspring from developing asthma. Led by Dr. Buy Female Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) without Rx Alison Thorburn, of the Department of Immunology at Monash University in Australia, the study suggests a high-fiber diet alters a mother s gut bacteria during pregnancy, producing anti-inflammatory substances that suppress asthma-related genes in offspring. This is not the first to study to associate a high-fiber diet with reduced asthma risk. Lozol Sr (Indapamide) with free Rx In January 2014, Medical News Today reported on a study in which researchers found mice fed a high-fiber diet had reduced reactions to asthma-inducing allergens, compared with mice fed a low-fiber diet. For their study, Dr. About Ceclor (Cefaclor) with no prescription Thorburn and colleagues set out to determine whether a high-fiber diet consumed during pregnancy could impact offspring s risk for asthma development. To reach their findings, the team fed pregnant mice one of three diets during their third trimester: a high-fiber diet, a moderate-fiber diet or a low-fiber diet. When the offspring of the mice were adults, they were exposed to house dust mites - a trigger for asthma in humans. Metabolites produced by fiber digestion suppressed asthma-associated genes in offspring The researchers found that the offspring of mice whose mothers were fed a high-fiber diet during pregnancy did not develop asthma-like symptoms, while the offspring whose mothers were fed a low-fiber diet did. Further investigation revealed that the pregnant mice fed a high-fiber diet experienced changes in gut bacteria; they possessed specific microbes that produced anti-inflammatory metabolites when the fiber was digested. Buy Augmentin with no Rx These metabolites circulated the bloodstream and traveled through the uterus to the fetus, suppressing Foxp3 genes linked to asthma development. The researchers wanted to see whether a maternal high-fiber diet in humans would have the same effect on offspring. About Pentasa (Mesalamine) with free Rx They did so by analyzing the blood samples and diet data of 40 pregnant women, as well as data detailing the frequency of doctor s visits due to respiratory symptoms in their offspring during the first year of life. The team found women who consumed a high-fiber diet during pregnancy also had anti-inflammatory metabolites present in their blood, and the offspring of these women were significantly less likely to have visited the doctor two or more times as a result of respiratory complaints in their first year of life. Commenting on their findings, the researchers say: "High fiber [...] suppresses expression of certain genes in the mouse fetal lung linked to both human asthma and mouse AAD [allergic airway disease]. Buy Cough online Thus, diet acting on the gut microbiota profoundly influences airway responses, and may represent an approach to prevent asthma, including during pregnancy." In addition, the team says their findings may explain why children who grow up on a farm appear to be at lower asthma risk. "We speculate [this] may relate to dietary differences between rural and urban settings," they explain, "or may relate to microbes encountered in the farm environment that are geared for high SCFA [short-chain fatty acid] production (that is, feces from livestock that mostly digest fiber)." Written by Honor Whiteman

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Arthritis drug could be used to treat vitiligo

A drug commonly used to treat inflammation of the lining of joints could also be a potential new treatment for disfiguring skin condition vitiligo, according to the authors of a new study. Vitiligo causes the development of patches of discolored skin through the loss of pigmentation. The study, published in JAMA Dermatology, details the case of one patient whose progressive vitiligo was successfully treated by dermatologists from Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CN. "While it s one case, we anticipated the successful treatment of this patient based on our current understanding of the disease and how the drug works," says principal investigator Dr. About Inderal La (Propranolol) with free prescription Brett King, an assistant professor of dermatology at Yale. The drug in question, tofacitinib, is typically used to treat moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the lining of the joints. Buy Nootropil (Piracetam) without Rx It belongs to a family of drugs known as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors that have been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Previously, Dr. About Cleocin (Clindamycin) without Rx King discovered that tofacitinib could be used to treat hair loss caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Vitiligo is also considered to be an autoimmune disorder, with the immune system targeting skin cells called melanocytes that produce the skin s pigmentation. Arreno without prescription People with vitiligo develop patches on their skin that are devoid of pigmentation and color. Pyridium (Phenazopyridine) without Rx In severe cases, the discoloration can cause significant psychological distress. There are several treatments available for treating vitiligo, such as steroid creams and light therapy, but none of these are reliably effective in reversing the symptoms of the condition. Researchers believe discovery could revolutionize vitiligo treatment The subject of the study was a 53-year-old patient with prominent white patches covering the skin of her face, hands and body that had been increasing over the previous year. Buy Chromium Tablets online She had received treatment in the form of ointments and light therapy, but these did not halt the condition s progression. Due to tofacitinib s success in treating alopecia areata, Dr. http://mdreview.wordpress.com King and study co-author Dr. Brittany Craiglow believed that it might also prove effective at treating vitiligo. For their trial, the patient received an oral dose of the drug of 5 mg every other day, which increased to 5 mg a day after 3 weeks. The researchers found that after 2 months of treatment, the patient had experienced partial repigmentation on her arms, face and hands. After 5 months, the white patches she had been most concerned with on her face and hands were nearly all gone. Only a few white spots remained on other parts of her body. The dosage administered during the trial was half the approved dosage for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Crucially, the patient did not experience any adverse effects upon taking tofacitinib. "It s a first, and it could revolutionize treatment of an awful disease," says Dr. King. "This may be a huge step forward in the treatment of patients with this condition." As the study only involved one patient, Dr. King acknowledges that further research will be needed to confirm that the drug is both safe and effective in treating vitiligo. He now hopes to conduct a clinical trial using tofacitinib or ruxolitinib - another JAK inhibitor that may be able to treat alopecia areata - to treat the disorder. "Alopecia areata and vitiligo share genetic risk factors and can co-occur within families and individual patients, suggesting a common pathogenesis," write the authors. "As such, it is not surprising that a medication that has been shown to be effective in treating alopecia areata may also be effective in treating vitiligo." Medical News Today reported on how ruxolitinib could restore hair growth in patients with alopecia areata last August. The drug is more commonly used to treat a rare bone marrow disease. Written by James McIntosh

Friday, June 26, 2015

Scientists use 'arousometer' to measure what turns off women most

Scientists have taken the first biological measure of sexual arousal in women experiencing disgust, and found that feelings of disgust are a bigger turn-off than feelings of fear. The "arousometer" was a vaginal photoplethysmograph - a clear acrylic tampon-shaped device to measure genital blood flow. Using a device inserted into women to measure genital blood flow as a gauge of sexual arousal, Diana Fleischman, PhD, an evolutionary psychologist at the UK s University of Portsmouth, investigated 76 heterosexual women aged between 18 and 42 years. The findings, which also measured the women s self-reported feelings, are published in the online journal PLOS One. Dr. About Inderal La (Propranolol) with free prescription Fleischman says: "Sex includes increased contact with body odors and fluids which, in other contexts, strongly suggest disease and would elicit disgust. "Women are more vulnerable to contracting diseases through sex than men and show worse outcomes once infected, so we should expect that women will be especially turned off when they are disgusted." One group of women in the study were shown disgusting images before watching an erotic film. Buy Nootropil (Piracetam) without Rx The second group watched an erotic film and were then shown disgusting images. The third group were shown frightening images before watching an erotic film. About Cleocin (Clindamycin) without Rx And the fourth watched an erotic film and were then shown frightening images. Images used to elicit disgust in the women included diseased or injured humans and human corpses, feces and people vomiting. Arreno without prescription The images designed to elicit fear included violent people, dangerous animals, weapons, heights, tornados and fire. The erotic films were intended to be sexually appealing specifically to women and were produced and directed by women. Before the experiments, all the women were asked to insert a vaginal photoplethysmograph - a clear acrylic tampon-shaped device that measures blood flow to the vagina as an indication of sexual arousal. Pyridium (Phenazopyridine) without Rx They were also asked to report their own degree of arousal, disgust and fear after their tests. Women exposed to disgusting images before watching an erotic film were three times less sexually aroused than those who had seen frightening images or those in the control group. Overcoming disgust to have sex Dr. Buy Chromium Tablets online Fleischman says: "It makes sense that sexual arousal and disgust would affect one another. http://mdreview.wordpress.com Sexual arousal motivates us toward closeness with others and their bodies while disgust motivates us away." He adds: "Given these competing motivations, every one of our ancestors had to overcome disgust in order to have sexual contact and reproduce." The researchers found that previous evidence was mixed on the question of whether sexual arousal decreases feeling of disgust in women. A consistent difference has been found between men and women: men are less sensitive to disgust when it comes to sex. "Previous studies have found that men and women who are exposed to sexually explicit images report less disgust," Dr. Fleischman explains. "However, our study is the first to measure blood flow to the genitals, which is necessary for sexual arousal, and how it interacts with disgust." The research found that women who are not very sensitive to feelings of disgust reduce their sensitivity further when sexually aroused. By contrast, women who are highly disgust-sensitive show greater disgust when they are sexually aroused. Dr Fleischman says: "When we are deciding whether to have sex, there are trade-offs to consider. On the one hand you must have sex to reproduce, and on the other hand sexual encounters are risky for disease transmission. "What our results suggest is that the story is more complicated for women and that women differ in how sexual arousal changes their disgust response." Written by Markus MacGill

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Older adults who might benefit from pet ownership often face barriers

Older adults - particularly if they are struggling to make ends meet - are at high risk of illness and emotional disorders, the effects of which can be greatly reduced by pet ownership. A pet provides companionship to an older person and can also boost their well-being. In a paper published in the journal Activities, Adaption & Aging, researchers review the literature on pet ownership by older adults and, after outlining the potential benefits to their physical and emotional health, discuss the barriers they face in adopting pets. Pets not only provide companionship, they can boost health in other ways, such as emotional support and increased physical activity. However, older people face many hurdles to pet ownership: they may be worried about the cost, and whether they are physically fit enough to take care of and feed a pet. Buy Eriacta (Sildenafil Citrate) with free Rx They may also worry about what might happen to their beloved companion should they become ill or die. In their paper, to illustrate some of these barriers to pet ownership by older people, the researchers tell the story of Janet, a 75-year-old widow who is obese, has diabetes and suffers from arthritis. Janet, who lives independently, describes herself as a cat lover. Buy Prevacid (Lansoprazole) without prescription She has had many pet cats in the past and would like to have one now. She has seen a story in the local news about an animal shelter and is thinking about adopting a cat from there, but is concerned about the financial commitment and what would happen to the cat if she became ill or passed away. About Pamelor (Nortriptyline) with free prescription She is also concerned about what the adoption fees might be and the pet deposit fee in her apartment building. About Antabuse with free Rx The researchers note that Janet s situation, the conflicts between her desire for a pet and her concerns, is very common. Buy Sinequan (Doxepin) with free Rx They note: "There are many older adults who feel that they could benefit from pet ownership and there are far too many shelter animals in need of adoption. Buy Chai Tea online Yet barriers exist that can impede and often preclude this adoption process." The result is a pitiful lose-lose situation: older adults are denied the potential benefits of pet ownership, and the animals stay longer in the shelter and are at greater risk of euthanasia. Perceptions of disability may be the barrier rather than actual physical limitations In an effort to transform this into a win-win situation, the researchers discuss what might increase the chances for older adults to become pet owners - particularly those who perceive their chronic conditions and cost as the biggest hurdles. While acknowledging that chronic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are rising, the authors note that these do not necessarily result in disability. http://mdreview.wordpress.com Developed countries like the US may be seeing rising rates of these chronic illnesses, but levels of actual disability are falling, they add. One explanation could be increased ways of supporting people with chronic conditions - such as the growth in home care and assistive technology. Perhaps, the authors suggest: "The true barrier to pet ownership for older adults may lie more in the perception of disability than in the actual limitations themselves." They also suggest that older adults may doubt their abilities, when actually, they are capable of looking after a pet. What they need is confidence and support to help them adopt a pet. Also, they may set their heart on a pet that is more demanding - dogs need to be exercised regularly while cats do not, and guinea pigs and rabbits require even less physical care - but perhaps they could be persuaded to consider other options that are more compatible with their needs and abilities. More creative solutions from professionals needed The researchers suggest that health professionals and shelter professionals could work together and encourage pet adoption and even "prescribe" the right pet for the right issue - for example, to address isolation, grief or depression. Animal shelters could also set up and test programs whereby older adults could adopt pets on a trial basis, they note. In discussing barriers related to cost, the team acknowledges that these are probably the most challenging. They urge all parties involved to come up with creative solutions. For instance, some meals on wheels programs include an option for pet meals. And perhaps, if building policies considered the benefit to older, solitary residents mental health of having a pet, they might lower or even waive the pet deposit fee - which the authors note is perhaps the biggest barrier to pet ownership among poorer older people. They also urge health and care professionals to include the effect of any human-animal bonds in their clients lives when carrying out care assessments. If these were taken into account, then their potential benefit to their clients health may be seen to be big enough to override some of the no-pet policies that seem to prevail. While many assisted-living facilities appear to allow pets, nursing homes do not. This can cause considerable distress to an older person moving from one to the other. Perhaps policies cannot bend as far as to allow pets in the nursing homes, but care plans could include provision to continue the human-animal bond - perhaps by arranging regular visits from or to the family member or friend who has taken on the care of the pet. The authors conclude: "Future researchers should continue to explore the human-animal bond for older adult populations, particularly for those with cognitive, physical, and financial limitations. There is so much potential benefit here for both pets and potential pet owners." First author Keith Anderson, from the University of Montana in Missoula, says he became interested in doing the study because: "As a geriatric social work researcher, I ve always been interested in finding creative, cost-effective ways to improve the lives and well-being of older adults. As already mentioned, cats may be less demanding, easier and cheaper to care for than dogs, but what many owners may not realize is that cats can get stressed, especially if their routine is disturbed or they have to share the home with another cat. Medical News Today recently reported a review by a group of veterinarians from the Autonomous University of Barcelona that discusses the causes and effects of stress in pet cats and also gives advice on how to prevent and reduce it. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

First modern humans in Europe 'interbred with local Neanderthals'

. Buy Burdock Root online Buy Levlen (Ethinyl estradiol / Levonorgestrel) with no Rx NA analysis of genetic material from a 40,000-year-old Romanian human jawbone - one of the oldest known modern human bones found in Europe - reveals the individual s DNA was between 6% and 9% Neanderthal. The 40,000-year-old Oase jawbone found in Romania belonged to an individual whose DNA was 6-9% Neanderthal.Image credit: Svante P"a"abo The jawbone was found in 2002 in Oase Cave in southwestern Romania. Writing in Nature, the international team that extracted and sequenced the ancient DNA says the findings show the Oase individual s ancestors included Neanderthals only four to six generations earlier. This implies some of the earliest Homo sapiens to settle in Europe from Africa interbred with local Neanderthals. Previously, it was thought early humans migrating out of Africa mixed with Neanderthals in the Middle East some 55,000 years ago, before spreading to the rest of the world, and did not mix again with Neanderthals, who died out around 40,000 years ago. Co-first author Qiaomei Fu, a research fellow in genetics at Harvard Medical School, says: "The data from the jawbone imply that humans mixed with Neanderthals not just in the Middle East but in Europe as well." The Oase jawbone contains "exceptionally large" segments of Neanderthal DNA Segments of DNA from an ancestor become shorter with each subsequent generation. The researchers found that the Oase jawbone DNA contains some "exceptionally large" segments of Neanderthal origin. http://mdreview.wordpress.com Amace with free prescription About Cyklokapron (Tranexamic Acid) with no prescription Study leader Svante P"a"abo, of the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, says they could hardly believe it when they saw the result: "It is such a lucky and unexpected thing to get DNA from a person who was so closely related to a Neanderthal." The researchers believe that the Oase individual is from a population that did not contribute much or at all to today s European ancestry. They suggest he belonged to a group of modern humans who were among the first to reach Europe, mixed with local Neanderthals and were then displaced by later migrations. The DNA of today s humans whose roots lie outside sub-Saharan Africa is between 1% and 3% Neanderthal. Co-first author Mateja Hajdinjak, a graduate student at the Max Planck Institute, says: "We hope that DNA from other human fossils that predate the extinction of Neanderthals will help reconstruct the interactions between Neanderthals and modern humans in even more detail." The study is in line with findings from other fields. Tadapox (Tadalafil with Dapoxetine) with free prescription Buy Silagra (Sildenafil Citrate) with free prescription For example, radiocarbon dating of remains from archaeological sites across Europe, and stone tools recovered in Austria, suggest Neanderthals overlapped with modern humans for thousands of years, giving plenty of opportunity for them to interbreed. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Stress in domestic cats new review discusses causes and management

Pet cats can suffer from stress triggered by a variety of events and situations, including conflicts with other cats and changes to routine. Buy Ceclor (Cefaclor) without prescription While cats can adapt, sometimes the stress can be too much, with negative effects on their health. When stressed, cats may stop exploring and hide away for long periods of time.Image credit: Marta Amat, Autonomous University of Barcelona Writing in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, a group of veterinarians from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, explains that stress can impoverish the health of pet cats and increase their risk of disease. The authors say that stress in pet cats can lead to behavior changes that are so difficult to manage that owners end up relinquishing them or having them euthanized. In their paper, they discuss the causes and effects of stress in pet cats and strategies on how to prevent and reduce it. Some of the main causes of stress that they discuss include: changes to the pets environment, a barren environment, poor relationships with humans, conflicts with other cats and lack of control and predictability. The authors note that other new changes - such as the arrival of a new member in the household, or a change in the daily routine - may also be stressful for the family s feline pet. Effects of stress in cats In cats, stress distorts normal behavior - leading to reduction or excess of it. Buy Tofranil (Imipramine) without prescription Generally, stress causes a domestic cat to become less active and playful and engage in markedly fewer positive interactions with other cats and humans. The authors note that stress can also cause pet cats to eat less - or more, in some circumstances - than usual. Stress can also trigger compulsive behavior in domestic cats, such as over-grooming, to the point where the animal loses its fur, showing patches of bare skin. About Herbal Extra Power () without prescription But sometimes, stress can have the opposite effect, causing the cat to be neglectful about grooming. Another sign of stress in a pet cat is increased urine spraying and increased vigilance - the animal can also become a lot more vocal than usual. Cats are naturally curious and social animals, but when stressed, they may stop exploring and hide away for long periods of time. About Albercilin with no Rx They can also become more aggressive. Often, owners do not realize that stress is the reason their pet is behaving like this, say the authors, especially if there are no other, more obvious, signs. Reducing conflict In their review, the authors cover a range of strategies that owners can use to help reduce stress in their pet cat. For example, they describe a three-phase method for reducing conflict between cats under the same roof. Valtrex (Valacyclovir) with no prescription It is important that to begin with, the cats are kept in separate parts of the house - each with its own space, litter tray, food and water bowls, scratching posts, toys, and so on. Then, the cats are introduced to each other s territory (without the other cat being present) - primarily so they can get used to each other s smell. Buy Bites - Cuts - Wounds online In this phase, the owner may also take a clean cloth, rub it on the scent gland of one cat, and then rub the scented cloth on the cheek of the other cat. http://mdreview.wordpress.com The authors call this phase "olfactory habituation." When the cats appear to be relaxed in each other s territory (still in the absence of the other), the next phase, called "visual habituation," can begin. In this phase, the cats get to see each other through a safe barrier - for example a mesh door - while they are engaging in pleasant activity. The duration of these "visual contact" sessions is gradually increased, until the final phase, "direct contact habituation," when the mesh or barrier is removed and the animals are allowed to naturally approach each other physically. Environmental enrichment Another stress reduction approach that the authors describe is environmental enrichment, where the physical, social and complexity dimensions of the cat s life are enriched. In this approach, the cat is given its own space with its own resources (food and water bowls, toys, etc), where it can feel comfortable and relaxed, without feeling threatened by other cats and dogs or other pets. As cats spend a lot of time foraging, their space should be enriched with "puzzle feeders" and by hiding food in different places. For cats that spend a lot of time indoors, their toys should be changed frequently to pique their interest and curiosity. Toys that mimic small, moving, catchable prey are particularly effective for this. Another way to enrich the pet cat s environment is to install shelves, cat trees or platforms so the pet can explore its space vertically as well as horizontally. Cats like using height as a vantage point, and they like to hide in places above the ground. The authors also mention studies that suggest giving cats places to hide can reduce stress. Finally, cats, like humans, have different temperaments, and this needs to be considered when deciding strategies for breeding and raising cats, note the authors. The full text of the study - which details all the strategies and discussion behind them - is available free to view for a short time at this link. Earlier this year, Medical News Today learned of a study by veterinary clinicians from the University of Lisbon, also published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, that showed how classical music can help cats relax during surgery. Veterinarian Dr. Miguel Carreira, the senior study investigator, said he plays classical music when seeing cats in his clinic and noticed that it made cats calmer, more confident and tolerant, particularly during George Handel compositions. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Monday, June 22, 2015

Seasonal Influenza Therapeutics Pipeline Review, H1 2015

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Doctors cause copper deficiency by 'misdiagnosing a need for zinc'

Doctors often incorrectly diagnose zinc deficiency, according to a clinical audit in Scotland, and so induce cases of copper deficiency because misplaced treatment results in too much zinc. Oysters are a rich natural source of zinc. Published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology, a publication from The BMJ, the findings come from an analysis of case notes from 70 patients prescribed zinc supplements at Glasgow hospitals in the decade from 2000-10. The study found that 62% of patients were prescribed zinc at doses sufficient to cause copper deficiency. "These findings underline the lack of awareness of zinc-induced copper deficiency," conclude the authors. About Acticin (Permethrin) with free prescription They continue: "Zinc is an essential trace element and so clinicians may consider it a safe nutrient rather than a drug carrying potential risk. "This study offers persuasive evidence of a potential risk of iatrogenic copper deficiency being unwittingly caused by prescribing high doses of zinc." The authors point out that the zinc requirement for adults is less than 10 mg a day. About Zyloprim (Allopurinol Bp) with free Rx The dose most commonly prescribed, however, is 135 mg a day - yet "there is no evidence to support the prescription of zinc" at this level. Buy Fincar (Finasteride) without Rx The researchers found: "In a significant number of patients, zinc was prescribed after zinc deficiency had been erroneously diagnosed following misinterpretation of a low plasma zinc concentration." Too much zinc in the form of dietary supplements can disrupt the uptake of copper, the researchers explain, leading to neurological problems and anemia. Zinc is an essential trace element. About 515-Pill The daily need for men is between 5.5 and 9.5 mg, and 4-7 mg for women. About Zyloprim (Allopurinol) with no prescription Zinc supplements are usually available in formulations of 45 mg or 50 mg, though - and the US recommended tolerable limit is 40 mg a day. Short-term zinc supplementation may not be harmful, consider the researchers - but longer-term use may be. Buy Acne Treatment online The authors say: "This study highlights the potential risk of developing zinc-induced copper deficiency as a result of such prescribing." Nerve problems included pain and tingling In the analysis of patient records, the researchers looked at: Reasons for advising zinc treatment Whether the family doctors had been warned about the potential impact of high doses of zinc Duration of treatment Development of anemia or neurological symptoms. Lab test results were also collated where available, for levels of zinc, copper, albumin and C-reactive protein (CRP). http://mdreview.wordpress.com (Low zinc levels are linked to low albumin levels and high CRP.) Information on zinc supplements showed that 21 cases (43% of 52 patients yielding information) were for correcting zinc deficiency. Zinc levels were measured before prescribing in over half of all cases studied - yet copper level was assessed only in two patients, and 60% of patients were prescribed zinc at daily doses of between 90 mg and 180 mg a day, say the researchers. Only one set of case notes showed the GP had been warned about the potential effects of long-term zinc use. The researchers found problems typically associated with zinc-induced copper deficiency: anemia, neutropenia (low white cell count) and/or neurological symptoms developed in 13 patients. Example problems included neuropathy (peripheral nerve pain), paraesthesia (tingling in the fingers), ataxia (difficulties with balance and coordination) and leg nerve pain. Written by Markus MacGill

Doctors cause copper deficiency by 'misdiagnosing a need for zinc'

Doctors often incorrectly diagnose zinc deficiency, according to a clinical audit in Scotland, and so induce cases of copper deficiency because misplaced treatment results in too much zinc. Oysters are a rich natural source of zinc. Published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology, a publication from The BMJ, the findings come from an analysis of case notes from 70 patients prescribed zinc supplements at Glasgow hospitals in the decade from 2000-10. The study found that 62% of patients were prescribed zinc at doses sufficient to cause copper deficiency. "These findings underline the lack of awareness of zinc-induced copper deficiency," conclude the authors. About Acticin (Permethrin) with free prescription They continue: "Zinc is an essential trace element and so clinicians may consider it a safe nutrient rather than a drug carrying potential risk. "This study offers persuasive evidence of a potential risk of iatrogenic copper deficiency being unwittingly caused by prescribing high doses of zinc." The authors point out that the zinc requirement for adults is less than 10 mg a day. About Zyloprim (Allopurinol Bp) with free Rx The dose most commonly prescribed, however, is 135 mg a day - yet "there is no evidence to support the prescription of zinc" at this level. Buy Fincar (Finasteride) without Rx The researchers found: "In a significant number of patients, zinc was prescribed after zinc deficiency had been erroneously diagnosed following misinterpretation of a low plasma zinc concentration." Too much zinc in the form of dietary supplements can disrupt the uptake of copper, the researchers explain, leading to neurological problems and anemia. Zinc is an essential trace element. About 515-Pill The daily need for men is between 5.5 and 9.5 mg, and 4-7 mg for women. About Zyloprim (Allopurinol) with no prescription Zinc supplements are usually available in formulations of 45 mg or 50 mg, though - and the US recommended tolerable limit is 40 mg a day. Short-term zinc supplementation may not be harmful, consider the researchers - but longer-term use may be. Buy Acne Treatment online The authors say: "This study highlights the potential risk of developing zinc-induced copper deficiency as a result of such prescribing." Nerve problems included pain and tingling In the analysis of patient records, the researchers looked at: Reasons for advising zinc treatment Whether the family doctors had been warned about the potential impact of high doses of zinc Duration of treatment Development of anemia or neurological symptoms. Lab test results were also collated where available, for levels of zinc, copper, albumin and C-reactive protein (CRP). http://mdreview.wordpress.com (Low zinc levels are linked to low albumin levels and high CRP.) Information on zinc supplements showed that 21 cases (43% of 52 patients yielding information) were for correcting zinc deficiency. Zinc levels were measured before prescribing in over half of all cases studied - yet copper level was assessed only in two patients, and 60% of patients were prescribed zinc at daily doses of between 90 mg and 180 mg a day, say the researchers. Only one set of case notes showed the GP had been warned about the potential effects of long-term zinc use. The researchers found problems typically associated with zinc-induced copper deficiency: anemia, neutropenia (low white cell count) and/or neurological symptoms developed in 13 patients. Example problems included neuropathy (peripheral nerve pain), paraesthesia (tingling in the fingers), ataxia (difficulties with balance and coordination) and leg nerve pain. Written by Markus MacGill

Scientists use zebrafish to further understanding of short bowel syndrome

Scientists have made huge steps toward understanding the deadly condition short bowel syndrome by developing a model of the disease to study in zebrafish in a new study. Short bowel syndrome can be fatal in babies. The condition is typically treated with special diets and nutritional supplements. Short bowel syndrome is a condition that occurs when a section of the small intestine is either missing or damaged at birth or removed during surgery. A shortened small intestine can result in the bowel not having enough surface area to absorb nutrients properly, leading to malnutrition, dehydration and sometimes death. Some patients can increase their ability to absorb nutrients by increasing the bowel s surface area in response, in a process known as adaptation. Buy Zovirax (Acyclovir) without Rx However, the mechanics behind this process are poorly understood. "We and others have struggled to understand adaptation in order to improve our patients lives," says first author Dr. About Priligy (Dapoxetine) with free prescription Kathy Schall, of Children s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). Buy 6-MP pill without Rx She explains that researchers are only able to look at tissue from humans at various times when they need surgery, and other research models are both difficult to use and expensive. "The new solution from our lab is to study the intestines in small fish that could fit onto a dime," says principal investigator Dr. About Zyban (Bupropion) Tracy C. Buy Adrenal Gland online Grikscheit, of The Saban Research Institute at CHLA. Zebrafish are sometimes used by researchers investigating stem and progenitor cells as their cells have many similarities with human cells and have a high capacity for regeneration. "Even though the fish are tiny, under a microscope, we are able to perform the same surgery that is performed on children with short bowel syndrome," Dr. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com Grikscheit explains.

"And even better, we have pioneered a way to show the resulting changes in the anatomy through three-dimensional imaging of the fish, with higher resolution than some scans available to human patients." Zebrafish model allows for new perspectives on adaptation With three-dimensional imaging of the fish, the researchers could watch any changes occurring in the bowel after the surgery, allowing them a new insight into what happens in human patients that could lead to new solutions to the problem of short bowel syndrome. "The three-dimensional reconstructions of these fish shown in our publication make it clear that the changes in the fish intestine after this surgery are just like those seen in the babies we care for," says Dr. Grikscheit. In the zebrafish, the researchers were able to observe the process of adaptation closely. They noted a marked increase in progenitor cells 2 weeks after surgery was performed. Another benefit to studying short bowel syndrome in the zebrafish was that the researchers could analyze the mechanisms of adaptation by dosing the fish with drugs through adding compounds to the water in their tank. This method was considerably easier and less expensive than previous approaches. The video below provides a sample of the three-dimensional imaging used by the researchers to examine the insides of the zebrafish. The discoveries made in the study, published in the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, could lead to further research into identifying the signaling pathways that promote adaptation and the specific cells that grow quickly. More data in these areas could one day lead to better care for babies with intestinal failure - the ultimate goal for Dr. Grikscheit. "As a pediatric surgeon, my lab has only one goal: to find better options for children with short bowel syndrome," she states. This study is not the first that Medical News Today has reported on involving zebrafish. Researchers previously suggested that a lack of vitamin E could cause damage to the brain after studying zebrafish fed a diet deficient in the vitamin. Written by James McIntosh